الثلاثاء، 3 يناير 2017


3Gender Apartheid

We all know that Saudi Arabia doesn’t allow women to drive. We’ve also heard the stories about women being unable to get jobs or leave the country without the permission of a male guardian. But sexism in Saudi society goes deeper than a handful of dumb restrictions. The kingdom’s own Princess Sahar has called it “gender apartheid.”

2The Fountainhead Of Terrorism

The official religion of Saudi Arabia is Wahhabism, an extremely puritanical form of Islam that arose in the 18th century. When people talk about Islamic extremism, this is typically the branch they mean. It’s the Islam that segregates the sexes, goes bananas if you draw a picture of Muhammad, calls for extreme interpretations of sharia law, and considers other religions (including other branches of Islam) illegitimate. In 2013, the European Parliament called Wahhabism the main source of global terrorism.

1Western Complicity

When it was recently announced that Saudi Arabia would head an international human rights panel for the UN, Western leaders fell over each other congratulating the Saudis. The US officially “welcomed” the news. And there, in a nutshell, is why the Gulf kingdom can get away with exporting terrorism and committing war crimes. Our leaders can’t get enough of the Saudis.
In early September 2015, the Pentagon agreed to a $1 billion arms deal to supply Saudi Arabia with weapons, despite firm evidence that US weapons are used to massacre civilians and commit bloody war crimes in Yemen. Meanwhile, the UK engages in annual trade with the Saudis of $15 billion. To honor King Abdullah, they flew government flags at half-mast when he died in January 2015. France also makes billions in arms sales to the Saudis and defends the kingdom as an invaluable “ally.”

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